The core methodology of the Structs infrastructure is the idea that Guilds will operate the services required of the system. Some of these services may be specific for their players, and some may be for the greater player-base.

Structs and Such - The Struct Strack (1).png


Connectivity to other chains is the magic that makes the Cosmos so incredible. The Structs chain will utilize this technology to allow for game assets to travel in and out of our universe.

Guild Services

Guilds may choose to run more of less of the infrastructure components depending on their own needs, resources, and capabilities.

Non-Guild Validators

Many, if not most, of the validators helping to secure the network will be classic staking infrastructure, not immersed in the game universe. These staking providers are welcomed and the network will benefit from the additional security and reliability.

Structs and Such - The Struct Stack (8).png

Beyond validation, Factions will provide infrastructure to provide fast gameplay experience

Beyond validation, Factions will provide infrastructure to provide fast gameplay experience

Application Services